
For testing purposes it is useful to install the test version of the framework:

pip install ferdelance[test]

Integration tests

Integration tests are the perfect entrypoint for start deploying and use the framework. These tests simulates a real deployment, although on the same machine, with a dataset split and shared across multiple nodes.

The execution requires a special Docker Compose that will produce a stack with:

  • repository with the packed wheel of the library

  • a postgres database

  • a node acting as an aggregation server

  • 2 nodes in client mode

  • 2 nodes in default mode (not used yet)

  • a workbench service

The two client nodes and the two default nodes include the California Housing Pricing dataset. This dataset has been split in three: two parts for the nodes, one part for the evaluation in the workbench. These datasets are saved in CSV format in the data folder.

Configuration of single nodes are stored in the conf folder in YAML format.

Integration tests are written as scripts and simulates what an user could write through the workbench interface. Although a little bit primitive (and not so fast to setup and teardown), it is an effective way to test the workflow of the framework.

All integration tests should be placed in the tests/integration/tests folder. These test should be named following the convention test_NNN.<name>.py, where NNN is an incremental number padded with zeros and <name> is just a reference.

To execute the integration tests, simply run the following command from inside the integration folder:

make start

Unit tests

To test single part of code, such as transformers, models, or estimators, it is advised to write test files using the pytest library.

A simple test case can be setup as follow:

from ferdelance.server.api import api

from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession

from tests.utils import connect
import pytest

async def test_workbench_read_home(session: AsyncSession):
  with TestClient(api) as server:
    args = await connect(server, session)
        wb_exc = args.wb_exc

        res = server.get(

        assert res.status_code == 200

The fixture to connect to the test db (which for tests is an SQLite database) through the session object are defined in the conftest.py file.

Other utility (component connection, clients operations, …) methods are defined in the tests/utils.py file.